Bitget Referral Code

➡️ Referral Code92pt
💰 Bonus$4163
ValidMarch 2025
Bitget Referral Code

The Bitget referral code is 92pt. This code is for new signups to get the best welcome bonus on the platform.

How to Use the Bitget Referral Code

The Bitget referral code can be used by anyone who has not created an account on the exchange as of yet. Unfortunately, those that already have an account will not be able to use the referral code.

That said, there are numerous other ways of entering promotions and earning rewards on Bitget. Keep reading to see what they are.

Here is a step-by-step guide on how the referral code can be claimed by new users.

  1. Enter Bitget and click on the blue ‘Sign Up’ button to get started.
  2. Bitget requires details about the user to create an account. These details need to be verified due to KYC and AML procedures, so make sure everything is accurate.
  3. Enter 92pt when asked for a referral code.
  4. Complete the registration process and perform all the verifications.
  5. The welcome bonus can be claimed as soon as all the conditions have been met.
Bitget Referral Code – 92pt

Bitget Promotions

Bitget has numerous promotions that are always running on the site. These promotions serve as the perfect way for users of the exchange to get their hands on free crypto.

Rewards Hub

Just like on other exchanges, users can perform certain tasks and get rewarded for their efforts. Since Bitget is primarily a trading platform, most of these tasks revolve around various types of trading.

It is possible for users to earn upwards of $4000 through the rewards hub. However, the rewards hub rarely has new tasks for the users to complete, forcing them to look for promotions elsewhere.

Mystery Box

The mystery box can be accessed by players that regularly deposit and trade on Bitget. The box does exactly what the name suggests: Offer players a mystery gift that is only known once the box is open.

There usually are a limited number of mystery boxes available. Each box can have rewards worth up to $20,000, although the actual reward is completely dependent on the luck of the player.

Group Coin

Group coin is a feature that is not typically found on cryptocurrency exchanges, making Bitget unique in this regard.

Group coin can be used to purchase crypto at discounted prices. Whenever a coin is put up for this promotion, people can pledge to purchase it. The greater the number of people that pledge to purchase the coin, the bigger the eventual discount on offer.

At the top end, it is possible to get a discount as large as 50% on certain coins. However, it has to be understood that the share of each participant will be quite small if this number is reached during the promotion.

Bitget Referral Program

The Bitget referral program is a great way for traders to earn additional crypto. All they need to do is to invite their friends and family using their referral code. After that, they will earn a commission which is a percentage of the trading fees generated by the invitees.

The commission starts at 10% but increases as traders invite a higher number of users. After forty people have been invited to the platform, it is possible to earn a 40% commission on all trading activities of the referrals.

Bitget Affiliate Program

Just like on other exchanges, the affiliate program is for users with large followings. With the affiliate program, it is possible to earn up to 50% commissions along with a wealth of other rewards.

However, not anyone can become an affiliate. Users must be able to prove that they can invite a large number of people to Bitget in order to get their application approved.

Top Reasons to Use Bitget

So far, we have gone on and on about how bonuses can be claimed on Bitget. Let’s take a look at some of the reasons why traders may want to consider using Bitget in the first place.

  • zero fee on spot trading and purchasing crypto for fiat currency.
  • Multiple payment methods including numerous third-party options for countries with low digital adoption.
  • A focus on futures trading, with there being four different ways to trade futures on the platform.
  • Copy trading is also available where users can follow the trade patterns of advanced traders. 
  • Similarly, users can also become copy traders by generating large returns to earn extra cash.
  • Numerous ways to earn crypto, including a savings account with APRs as high as 20%.

Use the Bitget Referral Code Now

Bitget is a great cryptocurrency exchange for traders. Use the code 92pt to claim the best signup bonus on the platform.

Claim the Bitget invitation code bonus here

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